School of Coding & AI


AI will end all jobs, Elon Musk says

Will AI End All Jobs? Elon Musk’s Provocative Prediction

At the Bletchley Park AI Summit on November 2, 2023, technology billionaire Elon Musk made a provocative claim that has sparked widespread debate: “Will AI end all jobs?” Musk’s assertion suggests that as artificial intelligence (AI) continues to advance, it could eventually eliminate the need for human employment altogether. According to Musk, in a future where AI is fully developed, individuals might only choose to work for personal satisfaction, as AI would be capable of performing all necessary tasks.

Musk elaborated on his vision, stating: “We are witnessing the most disruptive force in history. There will come a time when no job will be necessary—people can choose to work if they wish for personal fulfillment, but AI will handle all the other tasks.” This bold prediction raises the question: “Will AI end all jobs?” Musk’s perspective implies a future where the concept of work as we know it could be fundamentally transformed by AI technologies.

This viewpoint stands in stark contrast to the perspective of Prime Minister Rishi Sunak, who has argued that AI should be seen as a supportive ‘co-pilot’ rather than a threat to employment. In his speech on October 26, Sunak emphasized: “It’s crucial to understand that AI does not merely automate and displace jobs. Instead, it should be regarded as a co-pilot that enhances human capabilities and supports workers in their tasks.” Sunak’s comments prompt us to consider whether “Will AI end all jobs?” is an overstatement, or if AI will indeed complement rather than replace human labor.

Manny Athwal, founder of the School of Coding, disagrees with Musk’s bleak outlook. Athwal believes that rather than leading to job loss, AI will create numerous new employment opportunities. In an interview with HR Magazine, Athwal stated: “AI has a wide range of applications across various sectors, including medicine, finance, education, and transportation. 

Technologies such as virtual assistants, self-driving cars, and advanced image and speech recognition systems are just a few examples. AI will drive significant innovation, which could lead to the creation of new industries and job roles. This progress raises the question: ‘Will AI end all jobs?’ but it is more likely that AI will enhance job creation and development.”

As AI continues to evolve, upskilling becomes increasingly important, according to Agata Nowakowska, AVP EMEA at Skillsoft. She notes that while AI may not replace all human work immediately, the shift will demand new skills and competencies. A recent Randstad study revealed that only 13% of employees received AI training in the past year, despite 33% already using AI tools daily. Nowakowska commented: “The impact of AI on jobs will not result in the complete replacement of human work in the near future. 

However, the transformations brought by AI will necessitate new skill sets. It is essential for businesses to invest in AI training and upskilling programs to ensure employees can effectively and ethically leverage AI tools. The question of ‘Will AI end all jobs?’ underscores the need for continuous learning and skills development to adapt to the changing work environment.”

Chris Pedder, Chief Data Officer at Obrizum, while skeptical of the notion that human work will entirely disappear, acknowledges the potential for widespread job displacement. Goldman Sachs has estimated that AI could affect up to 300 million jobs globally. Pedder stated: “If AI makes human labor largely unnecessary, it could profoundly impact society. To manage this transition, robust regulations and policies are crucial. 

Worker protections, including potential guaranteed income schemes, could offer stability amid economic shifts. Additionally, civic institutions that provide community and identity beyond jobs will become increasingly vital.” This perspective highlights the need to address the question: “Will AI end all jobs?” with a focus on regulation and support systems.

In conclusion, while Elon Musk’s prediction that “Will AI end all jobs?” presents a dramatic scenario, other experts argue that AI will not only create new opportunities but also require new skills. Balancing cautious optimism with proactive policy measures will be essential in navigating the future job market as AI continues to evolve and integrate into various industries. The ongoing debate around AI’s impact on employment underscores the importance of considering both the challenges and opportunities that this transformative technology presents.


Coding school launches courses to improve digital skills in Shropshire

Coding School Launches Digital Skills in Shropshire

The School of Coding & AI is excited to unveil a transformative initiative aimed at revolutionizing digital skills in Shropshire. This new program, known as Digital Shropshire, is generously funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund and is set to make a significant impact over the next two years. With a goal of reaching over 500 Shropshire residents, this initiative is poised to enhance digital and communication skills, empowering individuals to thrive in today’s increasingly digital world.

Digital Skills in Shropshire are being given a major boost through this comprehensive scheme. Designed to offer every resident aged 16 and older in Shropshire the chance to significantly improve their digital proficiency, Digital Shropshire addresses a wide range of needs. 

Whether it’s learning how to safely navigate the online environment, preparing for employment, upskilling, or addressing digital inclusion issues, this program is dedicated to equipping participants with essential skills. By providing support in accessing vital online services, such as healthcare and other critical resources, the initiative ensures that Shropshire residents are well-prepared for both personal and professional challenges in the digital era.

The array of courses available under Digital Shropshire covers everything from fundamental digital skills to advanced communication techniques. These courses are designed to meet the growing demand for digital literacy in an age where technology is integral to nearly every aspect of life. Through these offerings, Digital Skills in Shropshire will enhance personal competencies and improve employability, helping individuals adapt to the competitive job market and succeed in various facets of their lives.

Clare Norton, Operations Manager at the School of Coding & AI, highlighted the program’s extensive scope and inclusivity. “Our objective is to deliver high-quality courses that upskill Shropshire residents in various areas. Whether it’s acquiring basic digital skills in Shropshire, learning online safety, or advancing to more complex techniques like CV development and presentation skills, our courses are designed to meet diverse needs. 

Initially, we are offering two primary courses: Essential Digital Skills and Communication and Life Skills. These courses are open to anyone over 16 residing in the Shropshire Council area. It’s rare to find a project of this nature that provides funded training to all individuals, regardless of their current educational or employment status. Digital Skills in Shropshire are now more accessible than ever through this initiative.”

The Digital Shropshire courses will be conducted at three key locations in Shrewsbury, Bridgnorth, and Market Drayton, ensuring broad accessibility across the county. The program will run until Christmas, providing ample opportunity for residents to participate. Additionally, participants who sign up for both the Digital Skills and Communication and Life Skills courses will receive a £25 gift voucher upon completing the second course, adding extra incentive to engage with the program.

Councillor Mark Jones, Cabinet Member for Economic Growth and Regeneration at Shropshire Council, underscored the importance of the initiative. “We are acutely aware that the rapid digitization of everyday life can leave some individuals feeling disconnected. This project, supported by the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, is a critical response to this issue. 

It offers essential training that addresses the skills gap and supports residents in their personal and professional lives. By providing these courses, we are taking significant steps towards bridging the digital divide and ensuring that all residents in Shropshire have the tools they need to succeed in a digital world. The focus on Digital Skills in Shropshire is crucial for fostering a more inclusive and digitally competent community.”

The Digital Shropshire initiative represents a significant investment in the community, aiming to empower residents with the skills necessary for both personal advancement and career development. For more information about Digital Skills in Shropshire and the Digital Shropshire project, including course details, enrollment procedures, and additional support, please visit the Digital Shropshire website. Alternatively, you can call 01902 509 209 or email [email protected] for further assistance.

Funded by the UK government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund, this project reflects a substantial commitment to improving digital literacy and fostering growth within the Shropshire community. The School of Coding & AI is dedicated to ensuring that all residents have the opportunity to develop essential Digital Skills in Shropshire, paving the way for a more inclusive and digitally proficient future.


Educator acquires Indian software firm

Educator Acquires Indian Software Firm, Expanding Global Reach and Creating Job Opportunities

Manny Athwal, the dynamic Founder of the School of Coding & AI and its sister enterprise, the School of Cyber Security, has recently achieved a notable milestone by acquiring a significant stake in an Indian software firm, SimbaQuartz. This strategic acquisition represents a pivotal moment in the expansion of his educational and commercial software ventures, aiming to enhance their presence across the UK, Europe, and Asia. The acquisition of this Indian software firm underscores Manny’s commitment to advancing the global tech industry while generating substantial employment opportunities in both the UK and India.

SimbaQuartz, an established name in the Indian tech industry, was founded eight years ago by the visionary Mandeep Kaur Tangra. The firm has garnered a reputation for its excellence in mobile and web app development, graphic design, and digital marketing services. As a leading Indian software firm, SimbaQuartz has been a cornerstone in the tech landscape of India, known for delivering innovative solutions and high-quality services. With this acquisition, the School of Coding & AI is poised to leverage SimbaQuartz’s expertise, further strengthening its global footprint in education and software development.

Manny Athwal, based in Wolverhampton, expressed his excitement about the acquisition and the future prospects it holds. “I am thrilled to announce that we have acquired a majority stake in SimbaQuartz, an influential Indian software firm. This partnership with Mandeep Kaur Tangra is a monumental step for us. Our shared vision is to establish one of the largest software houses and digital marketing firms in India while also creating job opportunities for young people in both the UK and India. Our aim is to help these talented individuals build promising careers without having to leave their home countries.”

The acquisition of SimbaQuartz, a notable Indian software firm, is not only a strategic move for expanding the School of Coding & AI’s reach but also a significant boost for employment. The deal has ensured the future of nearly 100 employees at SimbaQuartz, providing job security and continuity for the existing workforce. Additionally, the acquisition is set to create 15–20 new job opportunities in the West Midlands, reflecting Manny’s commitment to fostering local employment and supporting the regional economy.

One of the standout features of SimbaQuartz, the Indian software firm, is its affordability in providing high-quality digital education. The company offers courses in programming and digital marketing at rates approximately 40% lower than those found in the UK. This competitive pricing makes SimbaQuartz an attractive option for businesses and individuals seeking cost-effective yet comprehensive digital skills training.

Mandeep Kaur Tangra, the founder of SimbaQuartz, is enthusiastic about the partnership with Manny Athwal and the new opportunities it will bring. “I am absolutely delighted to collaborate with Manny and take SimbaQuartz, our esteemed Indian software firm, to a global stage. Transforming SimbaQuartz from a family-owned business into a multinational corporation is an exciting challenge. As the largest coding school and IT services provider in Punjab, we have already created numerous skilled, white-collar jobs in the state. This partnership will enable us to further our impact and contribute to the growth of the tech industry on an international scale.”

Manny Athwal’s achievements this year underscore his leadership and vision in the tech sector. The School of Coding & AI, founded by Manny six years ago, has seen remarkable success and growth. This year, he also launched the School of Cyber Security, further expanding his educational endeavors. Both institutions have made significant strides in their respective fields, earning accolades and recognition for their excellence.

The School of Coding & AI has been honored with the Employer of the Year award at the 2023 Black Country Chamber Business Awards, highlighting its outstanding contributions to the industry. Additionally, the school is a contender for three prestigious titles in the West Midlands Business of the Year awards, reflecting its continued success and influence. The School of Cyber Security has also garnered acclaim, being nominated for Cyber Educator of the Year at the 2023 Cyber Security Awards.

Manny Athwal’s personal achievements include receiving the Innovation Award at the Institute of Directors Annual Awards ceremony and being featured in The Times LDC Top 50 Most Ambitious Business Leaders 2023. These accolades recognize Manny’s exceptional accomplishments and his role as a trailblazer in the tech industry.

The acquisition of SimbaQuartz, a prominent Indian software firm, represents a significant leap forward for Manny Athwal’s ventures, combining the strengths of two influential organizations with a shared goal of innovation and growth. The partnership is set to redefine the landscape of tech education and software development, creating new opportunities for students, professionals, and businesses around the world.

The School of Coding & AI and SimbaQuartz are committed to delivering high-quality education and services, driving advancements in the tech sector, and making a positive impact on the global community. For more information about the School of Coding & AI, SimbaQuartz, and their range of offerings, interested individuals and businesses are encouraged to visit their respective websites. The collaboration between these leading organizations, including this esteemed Indian software firm, promises to deliver unparalleled value and contribute significantly to the growth and development of the tech industry on a global scale.